Monday, March 28, 2016

March Equinox

We are fortunate to have a Japanese style bath house in our town and have so far managed to luxuriate in it's warm waters a couple of times. It is a place that also serves snacks and green tea.

Our local Japanese style bath house

 Winter has been quite cold and wet, with a lot of snow on the high ground. We are really thankful for all of the rain and snow that is helping the drought conditions here and in northern California.

I was fortunate to have several of my photographs accepted for inclusion in a "coffee table" book entitled, "Ashland, Oregon, Day Trips" by a local author, Barbara Tricarico. The book is available locally or through Amazon.

Barbara at a book signing event.

This has been an active time for local authors, with another friend, Sarah Marshank, publishing her first book, "Being Self - ish". This book is a memoir, Sarah's remarkable journey of her personal search for "self". The sub-title, "My Journey from Escort to Monk to Grandmother" grabs your attention and after I read the book, left me in awe of the strength and courage it must have taken to write it.

We had some nice sunny days in which I took the opportunity to build some raised beds in which to plant vegetables and flowers when the time came in the spring.

This photograph was taken before they were filled with compost and planting mix.

The occasional dry spells enticed us outside to find and make some photographs. We are blessed with many areas of natural beauty, many woods, lakes and trails, as well as interesting neighborhoods.

Up in the woods on the mountain behind where we live, this is my friend David looking for that different photo. The day we went to the mountain was foggy in patches, mostly on the hill tops.

Foggy wooded hills
A collectors truck.

We found this old truck on a flatbed trailer on the side of the road. There are always interesting subjects to photograph if you just take time to look!

When the weather is not cooperating, it is always fun to see what can be found to photograph indoors.

Seed pod

Abstract, look closely!!

But lets get outside again.

Ah! There is my other shoe

Fence art.

Emigrant Lake, which is close by, had become almost totally dry by the end of last summer, but the winter rains have done a great job in bringing the water level back up to where everyone would like to see it.

It is heartening to see a better water level in the lake now, and I hope that it does not encourage a return to our wasteful ways with our water. I think limited rainfall and small to non-existent snow pack will become the new norm.

Water is very important to us all, especially the young, as seen in a recent birthday party celebrated in a water park.
As spring approaches, I am eager to be working in the garden and exploring the garden centers and greenhouses in the area. We do have to be respectful of the weather here in southern Oregon as wild temperature swings happen regularly. This morning as I write this, the temperature was 35 deg F and snow on the hills, but the forecast for three days hence is sunny and 72 deg F.

Lettuce pretty soon!

Just a few frost hardy plantings.

A wholesale plant grower which is also open for resales, Ashland Greenhouses.

There is a house in our neighborhood that always seems to be able to put on a display on any holiday, always adds some amusement to our morning walk.

This time the display combined St Patrick's Day with Easter, an interesting combination. We can't wait to see what the next celebrated holiday will bring.

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